Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bringing Big Data at Oracle OpenWorld

This week I learned that my seminar “Big Data: Are You Ready?” has been accepted for Oracle OpenWorld. This is always exciting for me, as it is the largest event of the Oracle Fall season. I will be presenting in the user group track as part of the IOUG data warehousing track. I hope to see many of you in San Fran between October 2nd and 6th. Below is my session listing from the Content Catalogue:


So this leads me to my thought today of Big Data and what is it all about. Today at Thoughtcorp we are building a lab which is all about Big Data. We are preparing an environment using Hadoop on a couple of servers which allow us to experiment with the product and the tools to see what works best and what does not. We are well along this path and we are looking at MapReduce for data access and how to best clone our VM to create deployable clones. All the fun technical stuff that I will discuss as we move through the process.

So the question we now sit around and ask ourselves is what are we going to use it for? What will our client need with Big Data? If I was working at Google or Yahoo, the question could be answered quickly. The vast amounts of data collected by these two companies is the reason we are discussing this technology. So we see the need that telecomm would have for this technology. Today’s telecomm companies are usually multiple lines of business with loosely related products. These products generally generate vast amounts of data, consider your smartphone or digital TV box. Consider analyzing each press of a button on your TV remote and the cable company analyzing the patterns of viewership via clicks. This information could be fed to networks to optimize the patterns in which television is offered based on the vary granular data. Television of tomorrow may be presented differently if companies better understand how viewers are really experiencing TV. This is not your parents Neilson Rating; this is something new. The digital set-top box is a Big Data candidate. So we look around at our customers and we are starting to help them understand how the collection of vast amounts of data can form a foundation for analysis.

In our world which generates more data than ever before, we need to find a way to use this information to allow businesses to optimize their services and customers optimize their experience. It will be one thing to collect the data, but how will it be used?


  1. I find your post very interesting. I come to know lot of new things with the help of your post. Oracle OpenWorld is a platform for bringing Big Data. I think we need to find better ways to use this information. Thanks for this information.
    in-memory analytics
