This morning I was driving to work and listening to my usual morning radio. I admit it I listen to Howard Stern on Sirius. It is some of the most interesting and humorous radio I ever listen to. This morning he had the second half of the Staff IQ Test. The last one ended with his engineer having a 121, and today more of the staff was tested. A score of 120 or higher is considered highly intelligent. But of course in the nature of the show it was as much a competition for bragging rights. Today it came down to two staffers, John and Will, with Will winning with a 130, considered among the top 2% of of the population. It was hilarious as Howard lost all is bets as he misevaluated everyone’s IQ and it made me wonder about what makes people successful. Is it IQ? Is it experience? Is it knowledge? Is it personality? Of course its a combination of all of these.
People think that it is merely the intelligence and knowledge that one has that drives success. Or could it be someone taking the initiative to create an idea that changes things. So do we acquire this drive from nurture or nature? When I consider people to work at Thoughtcorp, I look at what they know, but really I consider how they think. How do they answer questions? What is the though process behind solving problems. I obviously consider technical savvy, but tools and techniques cannot. So we must have that basic ability to communicate. To speak our thoughts clearly and concisely. That is the key to succeed. The intelligence we have is shown through our ability to communicate it to others. So what we learn you should share and what others share with you make you more successful. So more than simply IQ, intelligence and success come through our ability to show how we understand the world.
If you think you have this type of intelligence and want to work in that type of environment then check out some hot jobs currently open at Thoughtcorp (Click Here for Employment Opportunities).