Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Generationally Speaking

As we get older it seem like kids get younger. When I look back at my life (all 45 years) of it I have been around at a time of great change.

I am a baby-boomer, but in the final years, which in some circles could make me a Gen X'er. I always wanted to be a Gen X'er, I never felt part of the baby boom. I was too young for the Beatles, Woodstock, Jimi Hendrix, the Love Generation; I grew up in the 70's. I remember the moon landing, even though I was four, I can still the family sitting in our living room watching it on our old black and white TV. Then I lived through disco, the fall of Berlin Wall, the space shuttle and technology being a part of my life. We owned a Commodore 64, that machine rocked! But we were so different from our parents. I know every generation says that but the difference between myself and my parents and myself and my kids is different. I feel that I have a better understanding of Generation Y then my parent understood Generation X.

The issue of generational interaction is more important than ever as we work in organizations that have workers in each of the various age categories; veterans, boomers, Gen Y, Gen Y. Each group has a title and each has an expectation. Whether it is that today's generation is completely wired for every situation or that some folks in the office type with two fingers and still can't seem to find the right letters, but then again they have experience and knowledge. How do we get them all to communicate together? It comes down to understanding how each generation communicates and keeping all options available.

Ultimately we need to ensure that we communicate. The IOUG is launching a more active participation in the various online communities. We will focus on Facebook , LinkedIn, OracleMix and Twitter. I encourage everybody to take part. This is an opportunity to bridge the Oracle generations and bring together a community that is quite varied. So join in; find the IOUG on your favourite social site and start the conversation.

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